def has_consecutive_triplets_with_other_string(s1, s2): # 获取s2中所有可能的子字符串 substrings = [s2[i:j] for i in range(len(s2)) for j in range(i + 1, len(s2) + 1)] # 遍历s2的所有子字符串 for substring in substrings: # 使用正则表达式查找s1中连续三个相同的子字符串 pattern = rf"({re.escape(substring)}){{{3,}}}" if re.search(pattern, s1): return True # 如果没有找到符合条件的子字符串,返回False return False # 示例 s1 = "hellohellohelloabcabc" s2 = "abc" s3 = "xyz" print(has_consecutive_triplets_with_other_string(s1, s2)) # 输出: True print(has_consecutive_triplets_with_other_string(s1, s3)) # 输出: False
看它一阵操作猛如虎,还有输出,结果却运行不了,自己加了import re还是不行,看代码,你说你都遍历了,直接判断不就行了,为什么要使用正则?算了试试智普清言:
def contains_substring(a, b):
# 遍历字符串b中的每个字符
for char_b in b:
# 检查char_b在a中是否连续出现至少3次
if char_b * 3 in a:
return True
return False
test_a = "abcdeeeffg"
test_b = "ef"
contains_substring(test_a, test_b)
def has_common_substring(a, b):
# Check for any common substring of length 3 or more
for i in range(len(a) - 2):
# Extract 3 consecutive characters from string 'a'
substring = a[i:i+3]
# Check if these 3 characters are in string 'b'
if substring in b:
return True
return False
# Example usage:
a = 'abc123'
b = '9abc456'
result = has_common_substring(a, b)
print(result) # Output would be True if there is a common substring of length 3 or more
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